Melb Painting Specialists

Epoxy Flooring

For commercial and industrial settings, nothing beats an epoxy floor for practicality, durability and long-term cost-effectiveness. Epoxy floors come in a wide variety of styles, with differing properties and qualities. Correct installation is the key to making an epoxy floor hold up in a demanding environment, requiring a skilled contractor with proper equipment to complete the job. Epoxy flooring is also sometimes referred to as resinous flooring or polymer flooring.

What are the Benefits of Epoxy Flooring?

Durable: A high-quality epoxy floor will remain solid and usable for a very long time—some are nearly indestructible. Whether you have heavy machinery, temperature variations, caustic chemicals, constant forklift traffic or repeated cleaning, garage for your vehicles, a properly installed epoxy floor will continue to perform.

Cleanable: Epoxy flooring creates a non-porous, seamless surface where dirt, mould and bacteria can find no place to hide. Epoxy floors resist staining and can be quickly cleaned with a broom, mop, squeegee, scrub brush or most other normal cleaning devices.

Safe: Epoxy floors are not naturally slippery, and they can be made even safer with a variety of textured finishes or non-slip coatings. They also promote good health by inhibiting the growth of bacteria, mould and fungi.

Attractive: With a myriad of colour and texture options to choose from, epoxy flooring can be light or dark, variegated or uniform.

Versatile: When properly installed by a skilled contractor, epoxy floors can cover wood, concrete, VCT, tile, and most other typical industrial and commercial floors.

What kinds of business use epoxy flooring?

Epoxy floors are an ideal solution for an enormous variety of commercial locations and industrial facilities:
  • Stores
  • auto dealers
  • hotels
  • hospitals & medical facilities
  • schools
  • restaurant kitchens
  • walk-in freezers
  • food-processing plants
  • agricultural facilities
  • warehouses
  • religious institutions
  • public restrooms
  • workshops
  • garages
  • retirement homes
  • airports
  • production floors
  • and much more
Facilities where cleanliness is not optional, epoxy cove base is an indispensable element of your floor. By creating a seamless, smoothly curved transition between floor and wall, epoxy cove base gives contaminants no place to hide. Food processing facilities, schools, hotels, stores, restaurants and factories – any facility requiring frequent cleaning, in fact – should consider using epoxy cove bases as part of their overall flooring system.

What is Epoxy Cove Base?

In any normal room, the place where the floor meets the wall is a 90 degree angle, but a cove base creates a smooth, sloping transition in this location. As part of a complete epoxy flooring system, a cove base allows the floor coating to also cover the bottom section of the wall, with no seams or breaks.

What are the advantages of Epoxy Cove Base?

A 90 degree corner is normally hard to clean because a broom, mop or other cleaning tool cannot reach all the way to the meeting point. This allows dirt, mould, mildew and bacteria to reside and grow, unchecked. Especially in an environment where moisture is present, this leads to problems with bacterial growth.

Epoxy cove base, however, eliminates the tight corner by providing a sloped transition that is easy to clean and provides no refuge for contaminant growth. Especially when used in conjunction with antimicrobial flooring, an epoxy cove base will facilitate a cleaner, healthier workplace.
